Thursday, June 23, 2005

Student Model

To construct effective and efficient intelligent study guide system (SGS), accurate student model is essential. It is the student model tells the SGS what to do, how to do, and why to do. Besides, student model records the "learning" history, which is helpful to review the student's accepting knowledge procedure.

Monday, June 13, 2005


CAT可以有效的提高测试的准确率并同时大大缩短测试长度(或时间), 所以如果可以在中国推广将有很大的收益,不管是对考试者还是主持考试的机构. 不知道中国的CAT研究如何?

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Item exposure in MAT

Since the amount of multidimensional items is much small comparing with unidimensional ones, expousre problem will be worsen. RA seems can solve this problem. However, we can't ampliy RA's role with such limited resourse. So, balance between efficiency and exposure need be considered.

Random selection

Normally, we will treat RA as the baseline of performance when we make comparison of CAT with other approaches. For pure RA, it indeed can result in little gain. However, in many application, RA is not replacable; for example, to prevent item exposure, optimal selection rule must work with RA to prevent the same item be selected repeately during a short period.

During my current study of MCAT, I am considering that if RA can help the multidimensional selection rules work in a better way. For MCAT, selection rule seems more stubborn, sticking on specific items always when they are considered acceptable.